bowen technique

The Movie Concussion

Brenda at LWD
Brenda Briscoe, Bowen Therapy Practitioner

I just saw the preview last night of an upcoming movie called Concussion, to be released in theaters in December.  Concussion focuses on the incredible true story of Bennet Omalu, played by Will Smith, a forensic pathologist who discovered a brain disease called chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) in a dead football star named Mike Webster.  Already, before its release, the movie is very controversial (read more here.)

Be sure to see this movie (watch trailer here), as it reveals the truth about the dangers of repeated concussions, especially as it relates to football.  THEN, when you watch it, think about the Bowen Technique and LED Light Therapy, because these are two extremely effective treatments for CONCUSSION .  Clients who have seen me for treatment soon after their concussion or traumatic brain injury (TBI) have quickly realized very positive results.  Research has shown that LED Light Therapy works even when the TBI occurred years prior to treatment.

For treatment, call Living Well Dallas at 972-930-0260 to schedule an appointment.

How Does Bowen Therapy Reduce Stress & Anxiety?

The holidays can bring on more than a normal amount of stress, with family gatherings, work functions, crowded Brenda's pic in Jenny's officeshopping malls, meeting end-of-year goals, and the like.   How do YOU combat the effects of stress during what should be the most joyous season of the year?  There are many ways to get grounded and bring back a sense of normalcy and relaxation to your life.

One of those ways is through a fairly new (to the U.S.) bodywork modality called Bowen Technique.  If you have never had a session, or even heard of this remarkable technique, you owe it to yourself to check it out.

Bowenwork is done on a massage table, but it is not massage.  It removes blockages in meridians, or energy points, and improves the flow of chi, but it is not acupuncture.  Bowen therapy brings a slight irritation to the immune and nervous system, so that it stimulates those systems to initiate healing, but it is not homeopathy (although some people refer to Bowenwork as tactile homeopathy).  This modality improves the flow of lymphatic fluid, but it is not lymphatic drainage. 

So then what IS Bowen Therapy?  Technically, it is an osteopathic type of technique which is performed by varied therapists and practitioners, including massage therapists, chiropractors, physio therapists, physical therapists, nurses, energy workers, and more.  It involves gentle, rolling movements on the client’s skin (bare or clothed).  These moves communicate directly with the autonomic nervous system, giving subtle messages like, “Hey, remember when you used to be normal, healthy, and balanced?  Wouldn’t you like to be that way again?”  It sets the body up for deep, core healing at the cellular level.

Basically, these Bowen moves stimulate the proprioceptors in the muscles and tendons to respond in a new way to brand new neurological signals being sent to the brain and nervous system.  A body that has been injured or simply has imbalances, can get into a pain/spasm/pain cycle.  Bowen Therapy is perfect for breaking that cycle and down-regulating the autonomic nervous system.  In other words, it takes you from a fight or flight stage into a rest and relaxation response. 

Once you are in this alpha state, your body can respond more readily to the subtle signals so brilliantly delivered through Bowenwork.  In this state, migraines disappear, ankle sprains resolve, carpal tunnel symptoms are relieved, back pain is removed, and stress and anxiety are reduced.

One of the most common responses from Bowen therapy clients is that during the session they feel more relaxed than ever, and once the session is over, they feel rejuvenated.

What if there were a “Reset” button for pain?

Would you sometimes like to have a “reset” button you could push to get rid of pain in your body?  Well, there is, sort of.  Ever heard of Bowen Technique, Bowenwork, or Bowen Therapy?  There are different versions, but each one gives brand new signals for your brain and nervous system feedback loop to respond to.  It “deletes” bad signals, or actually breaks the pain/spasm/pain cycle, rendering the old improper signals ineffective.  Now your body can respond in a more proper way to new signals and without pain!Bowen Therapy pic

This is like rebooting a computer when the page is frozen and won’t refresh.  Rebooting gives you a fresh start.  Similarly, when you are in pain, your body is in crisis.  It keeps on remembering the signals it was receiving when an accident or injury happened, and it has gotten stuck.  What it needs is a fresh start with new signals to the nervous system.  Bowen Therapy, with its gentle plucking moves over muscles, tendons, fascia, and nerves, introduces just the right “input” to down-regulate the autonomic nervous system and take the body from a state of hypersensitivity (sympathetic overdrive) to a state of rest and relaxation (parasympathetic).

By doing this along the spine right at the beginning of a session, your body is now ready to respond quickly and with profound and lasting changes that address the core problem.  The autonomic nervous system has just been “reset.”  This process is just what the body needs, not only for acute injuries, but also for long-standing chronic conditions, like fibromyalgia, peripheral neuropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, TMJ syndrome, repetitive migraine headaches, and even multiple schlerosis.  How about telling someone you know in pain about Bowen Therapy.  It may just give them the breakthrough they’ve needed!

Blending Bowen Therapy and Hypnosis in Dallas

Did you know that your mind can trick you in a positive way?  I didn’t before I had a hypnosis session with Valerie Grimes.  Before my frst relaxing experience in Valerie’s office, my mind told me that I was insecure, not very smart, and certainly not business-minded.  Once I learned how hypnosis really worked and had a personal experience with it, it paid off in a big way.  Now I go out into the world and pull off speaking engagements with a snap.  Teaching my craft, Bowen Therapy, at massage schools  in Dallas is more fun than anything I can think of doing.  And networking with other business professionals, which scared me to no end before, is now one of the more fun activities in my life.  Hypnosis helped me develop self confidence more than anything else I have ever done.

Once this became the norm for me, I still occasionally had flare-ups, for example, when I was going to speak to a large group.  Then, it was time to employ the tactics that Valerie taught me how to do for myself, in other words, self-hypnosis.  This is very valuable when a professional teaches you things you can do for yourself so that when you don’t have access to them, you have a back-up plan.  That would usually do the trick.  That, along with getting a  Bowen Therapy session, which is the most relaxing bodywork modality I have ever experienced.  Bowenwork flips a switch that turns on the parasympathetic part of the nervous system (meaning, it brings you back into a relaxed state).

The point of my message here is that Bowen Therapy and hypnosis in Dallas blend well and are make a great duo for relaxation therapy.

How does Bowen Therapy work? (Part One)

There are quite a few reasons why Bowen therapy works so well.  One is because of the effect it has on the autonomic nervous system.  Brain mapping has shown during a Bowen session that the client’s brain produces Alpha waves and causes them to feel like they are in a deep meditative state.  At this point, the body goes into automatic repair mode because the sympathetic nervous system (heightened alert response) stops overriding the parasympathetic (rest and relaxation response).  The bottom line is that it places the client in the most advantageous state to allow the body to heal itself.

Because of this, Bowen therapy not only applies to physical conditions but also to challenges like PTSD, ADD/ADHD, autism, sensory integration disorders, etc.

There are other ways that Bowen therapy works to help healing take place, which will be covered in the next posting.

Bowen Therapy for Children

Bowen Therapy is well-suited for children for so many reasons.  It can be done with very gentle pressure and still be effective.  It is done with clothing on, making them feel more comfortable.  Children are generally more active, thus helping the energetics of the therapy to work better and faster.  They do not have ideas about whether a treatment is going to work or not.  Their minds don’t really go there.  So, they tend to be more receptive than adults.  Adults can be rather skeptical, especially if they have tried everything and to no avail.

I have seen remarkable results using Bowen Technique with children who have ADD or ADHD, autism, sensory integration problems, asthma, constipation and, of course, acute injuries to name a few.  In a typical Bowen session, there are required breaks, or pauses, between some of the procedures within a session.  But with children, the breaks are not needed because they process the nerve stimulation much more quickly, so the therapy session is over in less than half the time of an adult’s session.

Children report back to me, saying they are able to concentrate at school better and feel less anxious.  Parents see a difference in their attitudes in that the children are easier to be with and are much more cooperative.  Tasks at home and at school which had been a problem in the past seem to be done with ease after getting a treatment.  The children tend to be willing to eat healthier because their glandular systems become more balanced.  They don’t crave the snack foods and sugar so much.

Acute injuries – e.g., recent muscle pulls and strains, sprains accompanied by swelling – are resolved much quicker than in an adult having the identical injury.  So, for young athletes, this is a great treatment, as it rarely takes more than one session to get back into their athletic activity after an injury.

If you know an athletic child or one who is accident prone, their parents may want to know about this gentle but profound treatment which quickly resolves injuries by unravelling neuromuscular compensations, activating the nerves and sometimes creating new nerve pathways.

8 Responses to “Bowen Therapy for Children”

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What should I do to get the best result from my treatment?

What should I do to get the best result from my treatment?
The NST/Bowen Technique works in a subtle way over time. Its delicate signals and the body’s healing process in response to them can be overridden by brute force therapies, poor body dynamics, compro-mised nutritional status and overwork. The following guildelines will insure the best and longest lasting results.

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