weight loss

How Can Exercise and BrainTap Help You Have Your Best Year Yet?

Got the Holiday Blues?  Depression . . . Stress . . . Anxiety? This can be a very difficult time of year for many of us. But exercise and BrainTap Technologies can offer you HOPE (excerpt below from braintaptechnologies.com).

For many of the millions of people suffering from depression, stress, and unhealthy lifestyles, exercise can help. In recent years, many healthcare professionals have focused efforts on discovering the possibilities of using exercise as a form of treatment for depression. Due to the increased “feel good” endorphins that exercise releases, people tend to be happier and feel more relaxed after they workout.

Some people also use exercise as a form of distraction. Being able to take your mind off of what is causing stress, for even a short amount of time, can help eliminate much of the anxiety that comes along with stress, ultimately decreasing those stress hormones and bringing your body back into balance.

Exercise is a great way to stay level and balanced during the holidays, but the problem usually lies in the lack of time people have during these times. Fortunately, there is a solution!

Braintapping for 20-minutes a day can significantly decrease your stress, help you get back to and maintain a healthy lifestyle, drop those unwanted pounds, and help to increase endorphins allowing for a less stressful, more enjoyable holiday!

With BrainTap, the Just Do It! session, located in the Vibrant Health series, can help you get back on track with exercise so that you can live a longer, happier, and healthier life, starting today! Also, check out the Exercising is Energizing session located in the series, Habits of Naturally Thin People 01 – 15 and Exercise – Your Key to Lasting Health and Vitality located in Habits of Naturally Thin People 16 – 30 to get you started on the right track.

Don’t let the holidays get you down this year. Let BrainTap help you overcome the holiday blues. Check out their website at www.braintaptechnologies.com

If you like what you learn, we offer these at Living Well Dallas for the same cost as you pay through BrainTap Technologies’ website.  BUT, we give you more FREE  PROGRAMS than you would receive from them.  They make great Christmas gifts.  See all the different programs you can choose to listen too.  There is almost 800 of them!

To purchase or inquire more, call 972-930-0260.

BrainTap Helps Break the Yo-Yo Diet Cycle

By some estimates, more than 80 percent of people who lose weight, regain all of it back in about two years, with Brenda with Brain Tapmany packing on even more pounds. Researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles, analyzed 31 long-term diet studies and found that about two-thirds of dieters regained more weight within four or five years than they initially lost.

While small fluctuations on the scale are normal, the unhealthy behavior that experts refer to as weight cycling, is not. Cycling is defined as a significant increase or decrease of body weight (generally 10 pounds or more) that occurs multiple times.  Researchers believe a yo-yo pattern is often the result of a diet that’s too restrictive, and a study reported in the journal Obesity backs that up. It found that, people who follow a very low-calorie diet, regained significantly more weight than those on a more forgiving plan.

Balance is the key, as well as getting enough calories to support your metabolism. . . (Read how BrainTap can help)

Info taken from www.BrainTapTechnology.com

Can 1 Tablespoon of Vinegar Daily REALLY Make A Difference?

I know you’ve all heard of the healing benefits of vinegar, especially raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar (although there are benefits of other kinds as well).  But sometimes we hear something or read about it and acknowledge that it will help but then forget about it.  This is one easy thing to incorporate into your daily lifestyle that will be worth the remembering.Bragg apple cider vinegar

I’m going to write about the benefits of vinegar  in 7 easy to digest (pun intended) snippets.  This is the first tip and it’s about apple cider vinegar (ACV).  By the way, all of these tips come from an online article I found from The Alternative Daily.  To read the entire article, click here.  So, here is the first reason to ingest this vinegar.

  1. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) can help with weight loss

Adding one to two teaspoons of ACV to your morning glass of (room temperature) water can promote healthy weight management. ACV is very alkalizing to the body, and studies have shown that the weight-regulating powers of ACV are most effective over extended periods of time, meaning you need to be doing this every day for at least a few weeks to start seeing real results. And as another plus, at the same time you’re losing weight, you will reduce pain in your body when you alkalize!  Why?  Because you’ll be reducing INFLAMMATION!

Stay tuned for more reasons to use vinegar on a daily basis.  Also, read the book Alkalize or Die for more compelling information on alkalizing your body.

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