
Chihuahua Got His Bounce Back

An elated owner of my most recent pet client, a 3 1/2 year-old chihuahua, just called to tell me her exciting news.  She asked me to post this for her because she does not have a computer.  So, here it is:

“Blue’s left leg had suddenly become useless.  I don’t know what happened, but overnight it seemed he refused to use it.  I took him to Brenda.  She worked on his back, hip, leg and knee using Bowen Therapy.  Within 24 hours, after nearly a week of not using his leg, he was putting weight on it.  And now two days later he is totally recovered and has just bounced up on the bed for the first time since this happened.”

With animals, success is the norm.  They don’t think through it and analyze it; they just receive it and respond so well.  That is why it is such a joy to work on animals.  And the love they give back after their treatment is the most rewarding thing.  I’ve never done a treatment on a dog that didn’t lick me like crazy afterwards.

Bowen for Animals

Have you ever seen a dog or cat get bodywork?  It is so amusing.  First, they look back at you as if to say, “What are you doing?”  A few moments later, they are relaxing and melting underneath my hands.  Animals have no preconceived ideas about whether what I am doing is going to work or not.  They are not thinking, “She’s hardly doing anything — how could this work?”  They simply feel comfortable, they trust and their bodies respond beautifully.  The same usually goes for babies and young children.

Adult humans have gone through so much of life that they often are skeptical and their closed minds can put up a physical or emotional block, so that the bodywork cannot have its optimum effectiveness.  Not so with children and animals.  They just love it!

I once worked on an elderly poodle who had just had a stroke.  He couldn’t walk straight, but veered to the right, so that he ended up walking in a big circle.  He also could not go up and down stairs at his home.  I did a Bowen session on this pooch, and immediately he began walking straighter and was able to carefully maneuver the stairs.  A few more sessions and he seemed to be back to normal.

A client asked me to come out and work on her 2-day old colt, as he was not able to successfully nurse and get milk from his mom.  He also was very unstable on his feet.  I worked on this beauty for less than 5 minutes, and they called me the next day saying that the colt was nursing fine.  Before I even left that day, he was not only steady but was also running around and playing.

If you have a dog, cat, or other pet story about how they responded to Bowen Therapy or any other bodywork, let’s hear it.  I know so many animal lovers that will enjoy these stories.

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