Chihuahua Got His Bounce Back

An elated owner of my most recent pet client, a 3 1/2 year-old chihuahua, just called to tell me her exciting news.  She asked me to post this for her because she does not have a computer.  So, here it is:

“Blue’s left leg had suddenly become useless.  I don’t know what happened, but overnight it seemed he refused to use it.  I took him to Brenda.  She worked on his back, hip, leg and knee using Bowen Therapy.  Within 24 hours, after nearly a week of not using his leg, he was putting weight on it.  And now two days later he is totally recovered and has just bounced up on the bed for the first time since this happened.”

With animals, success is the norm.  They don’t think through it and analyze it; they just receive it and respond so well.  That is why it is such a joy to work on animals.  And the love they give back after their treatment is the most rewarding thing.  I’ve never done a treatment on a dog that didn’t lick me like crazy afterwards.

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