A parent brought their young child to see me today who is hyperactive and having trouble in school. The teachers suspect the child has ADHD. Since this came up, I wanted to blog on this topic. This is rather a lot of information but is so very important, as ADD seems to be so prevalent in children today. If you know families dealing with this challenge, you may want to pass this info on to them:


1. Breakfast is a must – No grains and be sure breakfast includes protein. Proteins which are good choices; All meats, fowl, fish, cheese, nuts and nut butter. Peanuts are not a nut but a legume and can be very yeasty in nature

2. Pure carbohydrate meals increase vulnerability to attention problems. White carbohydrates are never a good idea (white flour, white rice, white paste, etc.)

3. A fall in blood sugar tends to be associated with more violent acting-out behavior, as well as marked inattention. This is why as high protein/low white carbohydrate diet is suggested with lots of good raw and steamed vegetables. Keep with low to medium glycemic vegetables and low glycemic fruit

4. Lots of good fats – as the brain structure is mostly composed of fat. (Good fats include Super Omega 3, DHA Flax seed oil, wild caught fish, olives, avocados)

5. Eliminate sugars, bad carbohydrates (not fruits and vegetables except white and red potatoes), dairy, and food coloring (red dye #5 in Ketchup, colored soda’s etc.) and increase proteins, fresh vegetables and fruits. Use good sugars like Stevia, Xylitol and Blue Agave.

6. Studies have shown that organic foods contain more nutrients, so positive diet changes are very good choices

Low glycemic vegetables are your best choice. These can include artichoke, asparagus, avocado, black eyed peas, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, celery, cucumber, eggplants, garlic, lettuce, spinach, squash, string beans, sunflower seeds, tomato. turnips, water crest.

Suggested fruits should be fresh and not to ripe as glycemic index goes up the more ripe a fruit is.
Apples, apricots, berries, cherries, fresh coconut, grapefruit, lemons, limes, mango, melon, papaya, peaches, pears, pineapple, tangerines.

Suggested Unsweetened juices can be: apple, grapefruit, orange,pineapple, tomato, vegetable

Allowable beverages: herbal teas, sugar- free broth, reverse osmosis water

7. No artificial sweeteners. Food additives, including aspartame, can be linked with hyperactivity and other behavioral disorders

8. Children with the most yeast in their bodies will take longer to heal.

9. In severe cases the gut-wall has been penetrated causing the candida to enter into the bloodstream. Depending on the severity, it can take from three months to a year to eliminate this. During this time absorption will start to improve.

10. Heavy metals can be another issue.

Leaky Gut

Inflammation of the bowel allows the gut to become too permeable and large molecules or irritating substances “leak” into the bloodstream to bombard the liver. This creates feelings of agitation and aggression. Since the gut produces neurotransmitters like serotonin, gut inflammation will upset the nervous system.

a. Licorice, chamomile and Kudzu/St. John’s Wort combination can help to reduce gut permeability.

b. Thai Go Juice can be used to reduce gut inflammation.

c. Histablock with stinging nettles can helps with leaky gut

d. Small amounts of green tea.

The following should be avoided: sugar, honey, gum with artificial sweeteners or sugar as a sweetener, candy, chocolate, cake, pastries, pie, pudding, jelly, ice cream, caffeine of any kind.

Fruits: bananas, dates, figs, dried fruits, grapes, persimmons, plums, prunes, raisins.

Starches: macaroni, noodles, spaghetti, navy beans, kidney beans, red and white potatoes, rice, ravioli

No food dyes of any kind. No alcoholic beverages or caffeine medications.

If you know a parent with a child whom this information could help, please pass it on.


  1. One of the sites I found has a great deal great information on herbal teas and was really insightful. Being that its so hard to find information I thought this would help

  2.  bbriscoe says:

    Good site with helpful information, Vincent. Thank you for sharing. I am taking a detox tea right now and finding it very helpful.

  3.  bbriscoe says:

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