
How long will my results last?

How long will my results last?
In acute health challenges (e.g. a sports injury), all that is needed is one or two sessions and the results are usually permanent. For more chronic situations, expect a minimum of four sessions (CTS or severe sciatica). For certain conditions (scoliosis or repetitive strain injuries where one must continue with the repetitive strain at work or a sport/hobby), ongoing therapy is recommended.

What ailments or conditions does Bowen/NST therapy address?

What ailments or conditions does Bowen/NST therapy address?
Just about any pain condition can be affected, if not totally resolved, by Bowen/NST therapy. Common cases have included scoliosis, fybromyalgia, sciatica, joint pain, frozen shoulder, TMJ discomfort, carpal tunnel syndrome. Other ailments not necessarily associated with pain include constipation, digestive complaints including GERD with hiatal hernia involvement, asthma and allergies.

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