Nutrition Info

Baking Soda for a long, healthy life?

Did you know that studies have shown that baking soda alkalizes the body and can help you live longer and healthier?  This is because sodium bicarbonate lowers your pH level and, therefore, prevents diseases. But this doesn’t mean you have to use the stuff in the little yellow boxes.  You actually could by stirring it into liquids like water or coffee, but how else do you get sodium bicarbonate?  You guessed it . . . lots of fruits and vegetables (the same way you get a lot of other healthy nutrients).  

Particularly high in sodium bicarbonate are broccoli, spinach, carrots, apples (“an apple a day”), bananas, raisins, lemons, and even coffee.  These are full of potassium as well.

And guess what happens when you alkalize your body?  Pain tends to dissipate. Muscles get more flexible and you have more energy.  Your blood is cleaner and you feel clean inside.

Do you think you are getting your share of these life giving foods daily?  Give them a try! If you need a little coaching to help get you on the right track, come see Celia Naples at our Pain Recovery Clinic and get started!

(Read entire article from The Nutrition Watchdog here)

Why does knee pain worsen with age?

Occasionally, young people, especially athletes, can develop osteoarthritis (OA) from injuries and mechanical imbalances.  About 14% of Americans over the age of 24 have OA. This is characterized by the breaking down of the cartilage that protects the bones in joints. But after age 65, this number increases to 34%. 

Many people as they age gain weight, which can load the joints, especially knees, with more pounds than they were designed to bear.  This creates more wear and tear on knee joints. Also, your muscles shrink in size by about 40% between the ages of 20 and 60, resulting in loss of muscle strength and joint support. This leaves you more vulnerable to knee pain.

Another factor is the number of aging people with metabolic syndrome.  This inflammatory condition of the body, characterized by high blood pressure and high blood glucose levels, sets the scene for widespread inflammation in the body, including the synovial membrane in knee joints. 

If you haven’t developed knee pain with age, there are steps you can take to ensure that you stay pain-free.  Research has shown that doing these two things can help you avoid knee pain with age:

  • Exercise more:  A joint needs pressure on it to stay healthy (like strength training and walking).  Also, exercising helps keep blood pressure and blood sugar within normal ranges.
  • Lose weight:  Simply lowering your body weight by 5% can decrease disability and increase functionality.

If you already have knee pain, the sooner you get professional care, the better.  It is rarely too late, even if you have advanced stages of OA. One facility in Dallas, TX where you can get excellent care WITHOUT surgery and a vicious cycle of medications and their side effects is our Pain Recovery Clinic at Living Well Dallas.  Our multi-faceted approach to recovery gives hope for any age and almost any condition of knee pain.

First, the inflammation is addressed with nutrition.  You will have a customized nutrition and supplementation program designed specifically for you by Health Coach Celia Naples. Next, you will be counseled through the depression, anxiety and insomnia of “pain brain” by Joy Schwartz. You will also receive brain training with the Brain Tap device which reprograms your brain’s pathways so that your body begins to respond other than with pain.

In addition, you will receive bodywork sessions with Brenda Briscoe called Bowen Therapy, which is done through the clothing, is gentle but works at a deep level through vibrations, and is known for its quick, profound, and long lasting resolution to the core problem. Another significant offering you will experience is LED Light Therapy, shown by clinical studies to reverse the conditions that set up arthritic joints.  How?  By stimulating the release of nitric oxide in the red blood cells and ATP (adenosine tryphosphate) in the mitrochondria (power house) of the cells.  This simply means that you’ll receive a flood of healing nutrients and oxygen to the areas where the LED light pads are placed, as well as quicker cellular repair (clearing out debris and moving in the healing nutrients).

If you are suffering with knee pain, call the Pain Recovery Clinic at Living Well Dallas to set up a consultation to find out if you are a good candidate for these services at 972-930-0260.


Which came first . . . depression or back pain?

Do you have a backache that just won’t go away? WebMD reports that studies show depression may be a risk factor for chronic lower back pain. In one study, up to 42% of people with chronic lower back pain experienced depression before their back pain started. Yet depression can often go undiagnosed or ignored because people don’t think to associate it with aches and pains. At the same time, having chronic pain puts you at risk for depression. It’s a vicious cycle.

We at Living Well Dallas have effective answers to both your chronic back pain and your depression. With a multi-pronged approach, our clients are recovering from both conditions whether they are related or not. As a client of the new Pain Recovery Clinic at Living Well, you will get to talk to our health coach about how to incorporate an anti-inflammatory diet and supplementation into your life. This nutrition piece is the foundation.  It must be there for the healing to take place.

Next, you will receive LED Light Therapy which helps your blood to deliver these healthy nutrients, as well as more oxygen, to your back and to your brain for repair. This, along with Bowen Therapy, can promote a speedier recovery. Another amazing tool you will benefit from is our brand new Brain Tap device, which uses binaural beats, isochronic tones, and NeuroAcoustic harmonics, bringing a relaxation response for pleasure and achievement.

You will also receive aromatherapy blends for mood enhancement as well as for pain relief and get life coaching, if needed, for coping with your emotions in a healthy way. 

If you want to jump on our Pain Recovery train, call 972-930-0260 to find out what your options are.

Best and Worst Foods for Migraines

Did you know that food can play an important part in triggering or preventing a migraine headache? Even though there are far more foods on the triggering side, don’t give up hope.  These foods can definitely help:

Ginger – a powerful anti-inflammatory that can ease chronic migraines, alleviate nerve pain and boost the immune system. It can be added to smoothies, juices, soups, salads, or used in baked dishes.

Water – essential to the proper functioning of the body. Dehydration is a common migraine trigger.

Riboflavin – also known as vitamin B2, this has been tied to the reduction in frequency of migraines. Can be found in lean beef, mushrooms, spinach, and broccoli.

Healthy fats – omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats can help reduce inflammation linked with migraine pain. One great source of Omega-3 is fatty fish, such as wild-caught salmon. Olive oil is a wonderful choice for monounsaturated fats. It has been shown in studies to decrease the duration, severity of pain, and frequency of migraine headaches.

Magnesium – linked by many studies with the natural prevention of migraines, particularly menstrual-related. Top food sources are quinoa, white potatoes, sweet potatoes, spinach, fresh amaranth, Swiss chard, brown rice, and whole grains.

Worst foods for migraineurs:

Tyramine or phenylethylamine – amino acids found in a variety of foods, like chocolate, aged cheeses, processed meats, fermented foods, citrus fruits, beans, avocados, vinegar, and soy foods.

Additives – MSG, nitrites, sulfites, artificial colors, and artificial flavors are all known to be possible migraine triggers. The reason is that they can increase the flow of blood to the head in many people.

Ice-cream/cold foods – cold foods can definitely cause headache pain. For migraine sufferers, the short-lived “brain freeze” can be just the start of a full-blown migraine. To be safe, avoid any extremely cold foods.

Alcohol – can cause dehydration, which is a trigger of headaches. If you choose to drink any kind of alcohol, it’s a good idea to alternate with glasses of water in order to replenish lost fluids. Also, keep in mind that fermented drinks like beer and wine contain tyramine.

Caffeine – can be a major migraine trigger especially if you drink more than one cup a day. Interestingly, once a migraine starts, caffeine can sometimes stop it in its tracks. Common sources:  coffee, tea, soft drinks, and energy drinks.

(for the full article from The Alternative Daily, click here)

Are Grains Raising Your Blood Pressure?

Did you know that a diet high in grains and sugar can raise your blood pressure to a dangerous level?  If this has been a life long habit of yours, you may become insulin resistant, if you are not already.  Grains turn to sugar and too much sugar causes insulin resistance.

Insulin helps the body store magnesium, which is a good thing.  Magnesium relaxes muscles and also blood vessels.  But if your insulin receptors are blunted and resistant, and are not able to take in the magnesium for storage, then it is simply passing through your body in the urine, and you are not benefiting from it.  In fact, with little or no magnesium, your blood vessels are constricting, leading to hypertension.

Too much fructose in the diet can raise blood sugar to an extreme high as well.  So, watch those labels for fructose (and other sugars).  For instance, half a can of soda has more fructose than is recommended daily.

Also, you want to watch your sodium levels.  If too high, the body begins to store fluid.  Too much fluid also causes high blood pressure.  If this goes on too long, it can cause congestive heart failure and your body begins to be sluggish and you have little energy to exercise.  No exercise can lead to high blood pressure as well.

So, the bottom line is:  stay away from a high-grain, high-sugar diet.  Although you don’t want to overdo anything, a higher protein diet with vegetables of color and a moderate amount of fat is much healthier.  But you want good fats, like avocado, nuts and seeds, olives and olive oil, coconut oil, fish oil, even small amounts of butter is fine.  Good fats feed the brain and skin the nourishment they need.  Eating this way helps you drop pounds to a healthier level.  So get off to a new start and enjoy your proteins and fat!


Omega 3’s Crucial for Healthy Arteries

Did you know that Omega 3 fatty acids are essential for keeping your blood vessels elastic instead of hardening and crumbling to pieces? Best sources are, in this order:   wild (not farm raised) salmon, sardines, and flax seeds.  Note: Farm raised salmon do not eat the algae that create the best sources of Omega 3s — DHA and EPA. We usually eat foods with more Omega 6s, which then fight to overtake the balance of Omega 3s and thus cause inflammation in the body, especially blood vessels.

One way to ensure you get enough Omega3s is through nutritional supplementation.  If you already do this, here’s a test you can do to check the quality of your Omega 3′s: Fill a small styrofoam cup half full with water.  Puncture your Omega 3 gelcap and squeeze it into the water.  Check in 15 min. to see if it has eaten away at the styrofoam.  If so, you have a good quality Omega 3.  If not, check out Nature’s Sunshine’s Super Omega 3′s (contains DHA and EPA – the best possible sources of Omega 3s).  You don’t want any other sources.

Nutritional Therapy Testimonials

As a Certified Natural Health Professional (CNHP) and iridologist, I have had the privilege of helping my friends and clients conquer some of their most troubling health issues and conditions with advice regarding eating and lifestyle changes, as well as nutritional supplementation.  If you have a story you’d like others to hear, I invite you to post it here on my website so that others with similar conditions may learn and implement the changes which have made a difference for you.

The tools I use for analysis in my health consultations include iridology (the study of the eye’s iris), face and tongue analysis, and applied kinesiology.  Some of my favorite supplements, because of their vast applications, are different kinds of enzymes.  Enzyme therapy is well-accepted in Europe, especially with athletes, and is becoming more popular in the U.S.

2 Responses to “Nutritional Therapy Testimonials”

  1.  Patti Alexander says:

    After having my iris testing twice, thyme kept coming up. I wondered since I use thyme from my garden quite often. But after other tests because I had developed respiratory discomfort and clicking in my left ear, which is very annoying. Brenda recommended Fenugreek & Thyme. At the time, I was taking Seasonal Allergy so she said when I finished that in a couple of weeks, start on the Fenugreek & Thyme, and the clicking in my ear stopped. Now I take it every other day to see if it comes back. It has not. I think it is the Fenugreek that did the job.

  2.  bbriscoe says:

    Thanks for that reply, Patti. Yes, both fenugreek and thyme help dry up mucus, so that makes sense to me. Glad it helped.

Heard of Zyto Compass?

The Zyto Compass scans 74 points of the body and helps you assess what nutrients your body prefers, so you don’t have to guess as to what your body needs most.  This device has been used in hospitals worldwide with accurate results.  Watch a 2-min You-Tube video to understand how it works.

Come to my class and find out how what it is and how it can improve your health.  My guest, Ruth Armstrong, will demonstrate this amazing and innovative new technology.

Zyto Compass Scan

When?   Sunday, Sept. 19 – 2:00 to 3:30pm

Where?  13740 Midway Rd., Suite 504, Dallas 75244


Too Tired to Sleep?

Did you know your body has to have energy to relax and fall asleep?   And when the body’s energy levels are too low, sleep is disturbed.

A state of nervous fatigue is usually brought on by a bout of chronic, unremitting stress, which results in adrenal exhaustion.  We usually don’t have trouble going to sleep but STAYING asleep.  This kind of insomnia compounds a person’s stress level, because they know they are tired and need to sleep but can’t.  This creates more fatigue, greater stress, and continued sleep disturbance – a vicious cycle that must be broken for healing to occur.

There is an answer, and you can discover it here.

Herbal remedies mentioned in the linked article can be purchased at wholesale prices with a free membership to NSP.  Click on “Free Membership with $40 Purchase.”   Stress, fatigue, and sleep disturbance can also be helped by Bowen Therapy.

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